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Manipulate Files & Directories In Kali Linux - Common Commands


  Manipulate Files & Directories

Navigate directories

pwd: Display path of current directory you’re in

ls: List all files and folders in the current directory
ls -la: List detailed list of files and folders, including hidden ones


Change to a specific directory

cd: Change to home directory
cd /user/Desktop: Change to a specific directory called Desktop
cd .. : Move back a directory

Create a directory/folder

mkdir <dir>: Create a new directory
mkdir /home/Desktop/dir: Create a directory in a specific location


Create and edit files

touch <file>: Create an empty file
nano <file>: Edit an existing file or create it if it doesn’t exist.
Alternatives to nano text editor: vim, emacs


Copy, move and rename files and directories

cp <file1> <file2>: Create a copy of a file
cp -r <dir1> <dir2>: Create a copy of a directory and everything in it
cp <file> /home/Desktop/file2: Create a copy of a file in a different directory and name it file2.

mv <file> /home/Desktop: Move a file to a specific directory (overwrites any existing file with the same name)
mv <dir> /home/Desktop: Move a directory to another location
mv <dir1> <dir2>: Rename a file OR directory (dir1 -> dir2)


Delete files

rm <file>: Delete a file
rm -f <file>: Force delete a file
Careful now..

rm -r <dir>: Delete a directory and its contents
rm -rf <dir>: Force delete a directory and its contents 

Be careful when using this command, it will delete everything inside the directory


Network Utilities

ping <host>: Ping a host
whois <domain/IP>: Get whois information about a domain or IP
dig <domain/IP>: Get DNS information
nslookup: <NS>: Get nameserver information

ifconfig: Configure/display network interfaces
iwconfig: Configure/display wireless network interfaces

netstat -r: Display kernel IP routing tables
netstat -antp: Check for established and listening ports/connections

arp -a: Display ARP cache tables for all interfaces


Secure File Transfer - (SCP)

Transfer files FROM the local system TO a remote host (Local > Remote)
scp /path/to/file user@host:/path/to/dest

Transfer files FROM a remote host TO the local system (Remote > Local)
scp user@host:/path/to/file /path/to/dest

Transfer directories and everything within it
scp -r /path/to/dir user@host:/path/to/dest

Transfer all files that match a specific filetype
scp /path/to/*.txt user@host:/path/to/dest

Transfer local public SSH public key to remote host
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user@host 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'


Output and analyze files

cat <file>: Display/output the contents of a file
less <file>: Display the contents of a file with scroll (paginate) ability (press q to quit)

head <file>: Display the first ten lines in a file
head -20 <file>: Display the first 20 lines in a file
tail <file>: Display the last ten lines in a file
tail -20 <file>: Display the last 20 lines in a file

diff <file1> <file2>: Check the difference between two files (file1 and file2)


System & User Information

cal: Display monthly calendar

date: Check date and time
uptime: Check system uptime and currently logged in users

uname -a: Display system information.
dmesg: Display kernel ring buffer

poweroff: Shutdown system
reboot: Reboot system

View disk and memory usage

df -h: Display disk space usage
fdisk -l: List disk partition tables
free: Display memory usage

cat /proc/meminfo: Display memory information
cat /proc/cpuinfo:
Display cpu information

View user information

whoami: Output your username
w: Check who’s online

history: View a list of your previously executed commands

View last logged in users and information

last: Display last login info of users
last <user>: Display last login info of a specific user

finger <user>: Display user information


Installing & Upgrading Packages

Search for packages

apt-cache pkgnames: List all available packages
apt search <name>: Search for a package and its description
apt show <name>: Check detailed description of a package

Install packages

apt-get install <name>: Install a package
apt-get install <name1> <name2>: Install multiple packages

Update upgrade & cleanup

apt-get update: Update list of available packages
apt-get upgrade: Install the newest version of available packages
apt-get dist-upgrade: Force upgrade packages.
apt-get autoremove: Remove installed packages that are no longer needed
apt-get clean: Free up disk space by removing archived packages

Delete package's

apt-get remove: Uninstall a package
apt-get remove --purge: Uninstall a package and remove its configuration files

Processes & Job Management

top: Display running processes & system usage in real-time.

ps: Display currently running processes
ps -u <user>: Display currently running processes of a user

kill <PID>: Kill a processes by PID #.
killall <processes>: Kill all processes with specified name.

Start stop & resume jobs

jobs: Display the status of current jobs
jobs -l: Display detailed info about each job
jobs -r: Display only running jobs

bg: View stopped background jobs or resume job in the background
fg: Resume recent job in the foreground
fg <job>: Bring specific job to the foreground.


Download a full website:

wget -r


Keyboard Shortcuts

CTRL + L   
Clear terminal screen

Log out of current session

Stop (halt) currently running command/processes

CTRL + Z   
Suspend (pause) currently running command/processes

Delete the last word/argument

Jump (skip) to the very LAST line

Jump (skip) to the very FIRST line

Move cursor one letter forward

Move cursor one letter backward

Cut (copy) everything BEFORE the cursor

Cut (copy) everything AFTER the cursor

Paste previously copied text

Clear terminal screen

Fix display errors

Exit (log out) current session


Repeat last command

sudo !!   
Repeat last command as sudo (admin/root) user


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