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FIXED - No Connection After Changing MAC Address In Kali Linux!

No Connection After Changing MAC Address In Kali Linux - Fixed! (VirtualBox Fix)   Problem: You run commands to change your MAC, and then your connection drops. Fix:   1) Power off Kali & VMBox and then restart VMBox 2) Go to settings in VMbox and create another connection (bridged or NAT) 3) Now fire up Kali again 4) Run the following commands in terminal --------------------------------------------------------------- sudo macchanger -s eth0 - check your MAC address sudo ifconfig eth0 down - knock off your connection sudo macchanger -r eth0 - Set MAC to random 5) Click top right of home screen and switch to second saved connection  6) Open new terminal & run the following commands: ping                           - check connection sudo macchanger -s eth0      - check MAC address Now you should see that your connection is working and your MAC address is different.   Commands to change MAC address can be found here .   If your still seeing issues

How To Change To Random MAC Address - Kali Linux

  How To Change MAC Address To Random  (Hide Your Location)  sudo ifconfig - IP information and configuration settings If you haven't got macchanger already, don't worry! Its simple to install! Just type the following command to install: sudo apt-get install macchanger If you have mac-filtering enabled on your router, you'll want to select NO on the popup message after entering this command, otherwise you won't be able to connect to your own WiFi.   Help Menu macchanger --help    View your current mac address: sudo macchanger -s eth0 You will now see that your current mac and your permanent mac are the same. To stop this from being exposed, you'll need to change it to something more.. random!  Now It's Time To Spoof Our MAC Address! Enter The Highlighted Commands In Order: sudo macchanger -s eth0            views current mac sudo ifconfig eth0 down            bring down network sudo macchanger -r eth0            random mac applied    sudo ifconfig eth0 up     

Manipulate Files & Directories In Kali Linux - Common Commands

    Manipulate Files & Directories Navigate directories pwd: Display path of current directory you’re in ls: List all files and folders in the current directory ls -la: List detailed list of files and folders, including hidden ones   Change to a specific directory cd: Change to home directory cd /user/Desktop: Change to a specific directory called Desktop cd .. : Move back a directory Create a directory/folder mkdir <dir>: Create a new directory mkdir /home/Desktop/dir: Create a directory in a specific location   Create and edit files touch <file>: Create an empty file nano <file>: Edit an existing file or create it if it doesn’t exist. Alternatives to nano text editor: vim, emacs   Copy, move and rename files and directories cp <file1> <file2>: Create a copy of a file cp -r <dir1> <dir2>: Create a copy of a directory and everything in it cp <file> /home/Desktop/file2: Create a copy of a file in a different directory and

How To Install & Run SocialPhish On Kali Linux 2021 - Working

  How To Install & Run SocialPhish Commands are: git clone cd SocialPhish ls chmod +x ./  git clone downloads git cd SocialPhish: Changes directory ls: Lists folders in current directory chmod +x Gives tool permissions ./ Start / run tool command     If you face problems, go to and create a free account  Then go to authorization token and install with command given  If you need more help let me know I can post some common fixes. Sometimes some of the pages wont work, you just have to get used to it. This works great for targeting one person alone, but after they connect and you get your info, the tool will have to be reset and a new link created to run again. There is another way which works with blackeye tool, which stays live & captures login's for as long as the tool is open (or the server is up). There is a common proble

How To Change Password & Sudo Command Kali Linux

How To Change Password & Sudo Command Kali Linux   1) Sudo passwd ' your-username ' 2) Type new password 3) Confirm new password  4) Hit enter key   Sudo Command Because Kali creates a user with administrative privileges by default, users can use sudo right away and supply their password for authentication The previous command installs a package that will allow for a user to be added to a trusted group that will not need to supply a password when using sudo     How to change toot password:  Video source: TechGeeks

How To Install Kali Linux (The Fast & Easy Way)

1)   Download  & run Oracle- VirtualBox Install and run it on your system 2) Download Kali :   Click 'Virtual Machines'   3) Save file   Filename should be: kali-linux-2021.2-virtualbox-amd64.ova   File size: (3.7GB)       4) Add Kali Linux to Virtual Box   Start / run Virtual Box     5) Click import appliance   Under the Local File System, click on the Folder icon to select the downloaded Kali Linux OVA image (may be in downloads folder).   Hit the Import button.   Once the importing process has been completed you will see a Kali Linux VM on the VirtualBox’s left panel where all VMs get listed by default. Double-click on that and your Linux OS system will start booting and in few minutes.   6) Configuration settings   Click here to load YouTube quick video in a new window     Keep about half way between green bar at the bottom 7) Right click here and navigate to ' Start ', then to ' Normal Start '   8) Log in w