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Install ProtonMail Bridge for Linux using a DEB file

  How to verify and install the DEB package on your Linux device.    1) Install Proton VPN repo setup DEB package Download the Bridge file    2) Enter these commands sudo apt-get install debsig-verify debian-keyring    3) Download the public key   (bridge_pubkey.gpg)   4) Enter these commands gpg --dearmor --output debsig.gpg bridge_pubkey.gpg sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/debsig/keyrings/E2C75D68E6234B07 sudo mv debsig.gpg /usr/share/debsig/keyrings/E2C75D68E6234B07   5) Download the  policy file (bridge.pol)   6) Import the public key into keyring with these commands   gpg --dearmor --output debsig.gpg bridge_pubkey.gpg sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/debsig/keyrings/E2C75D68E6234B07 sudo mv debsig.gpg /usr/share/debsig/keyrings/E2C75D68E6234B07  For Ubuntu 16.04 or derivatives- use the file (bridge_16.04.pol)   7)  Install the policy file by entering these commands sudo mkdir -p /etc/debsig/policies/E2C75D68E6234B07 sudo cp bridge.pol /etc/debsig/policies/E2C75D68E6234B07